Useful Links


Many of the stories on this site have benefited greatly from being first tried on the members of Greenwich & Blackheath Writers. If you're a writer based in south-east London, this is a very constructive and supportive group, meeting every two weeks to critique each other's work. You can contact the organisers on the Meet Up page:
Greenwich & Blackheath Writers Group (London, United Kingdom) | Meetup


My favourite second-hand bookshop, in Lee High Road, Lewisham, Halcyon also offers high-octane coffee, home-made cakes and a very welcoming environment for writing and reading. Wednesday mornings see it hosting an informal Shut Up and Write group and it has recently started a Tuesday evening book club with readings from local authors.

Halcyon Books


If my accounts of riding Paris-Brest-Paris and London-Edinburgh-London haven't put you off, you might like to know that Audax UK oversees hundreds of cycle events all over the country. These range from around 60 miles (i.e. 100 kilometres) right up to 1,000 miles (1600 kilometres), with the majority being between 60 and 180 miles. They are very friendly, welcoming rides and cost considerably less to enter than the commercial rides - or 'sportives' - that you see advertised in the cycling press. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys riding their bike and fancies pushing themselves just a little bit further.

Audax UK


As described in the No Sleep Till Southend article, The Fridays, as they like to be known, run a calendar of overnight cycle rides to various seaside resorts (and a few other places) along with regular guided Sunday rides, usually with a theme.

The Fridays

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